On Thursday, October 27, PCV held its second “Trick or Trivia” night for some festive fun with employees. The virtual event revolved around Halloween-themed trivia from TriviaHub, hosted by Sanyee.

Employees across several departments participated in the event, including Accounting, Client Services, Human Resources, Marketing, Quality Control, and Vendor Relations. They were broken out into three teams to work together to answer three rounds of questions. The questions pertained to horror movies, spooky books and literature, and general Halloween trivia. The team “We are Dead” came out on top, winning trivia night, followed by “PCV MURderCor” and “The Ghost Riders.”

In addition to the trivia, employees were encouraged to wear costumes in the spirit of the theme and holiday. Joey Hernandez, a Quality Analyst on our Vendor Relations team, was our Halloween costume raffle winner.

It was an entertaining night for all; we can’t wait for our next trivia night! Watch the slides below to get a feel for the fun we shared.

Trick or Trivia