In-depth Knowledge of Local and National Markets

Utilizing our extensive experience in local and national markets, we provide valuation management for a variety of commercial, industrial, and special purpose properties. Our Commercial Division uses a network of certified general appraisers nationwide with comprehensive quality control by seasoned appraisers. All appraisals exceed the minimum requirement as established by USPAP, FIRREA, OCC, and customized appraisal requirements of pension funds, insurance companies, rating agencies, and investment bankers.

Our Areas of Focus

We focus on what our clients value the most – proximity, quality, and fast turn-times. Our team of experienced professionals works with appraisers after assignment to remove obstacles that might delay delivery. This attention to detail helps reduce requests for revisions and saves clients valuable time and money. Once the report is delivered to PCV Murcor, our QC professionals evaluate every report, ensuring it meets the highest standard of quality, while adhering to USPAP, client requirements, and appraisal best practices.